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General dentistry

We provide a complete range of treatments to maintain your dental health, from routine check-ups and dental hygiene to endodontic and emergency care.


General check-ups

We recommend that you visit your dentist for a routine check-up at least once per year to ensure that any dental issues can be identified and dealt with as soon as possible.

White fillings

We commonly replace old metal fillings with resin-composite fillings that are colour-matched to blend in perfectly with your natural teeth.


Wisdom teeth usually erupt between the ages of 17 and 25. If these impacted teeth are in an abnormal position, food and bacteria can collect under the gum causing a local infection, pain, swelling and bad breath. If these symptoms are severe and frequent then the wisdom teeth may need to be removed.


A crown replicates the visible part of a natural tooth which has been damaged, worn down or decayed over time. A crown is designed to replicate the natural appearance of the damaged tooth, and blend in with your natural smile.

Smiling Woman

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